Our Mission
“Our mission is to be the cradle of leadership for our pupils, developing them as individuals with active and creative minds. To instill in them the courage to act on their beliefs and empowering them to take the path guided by virtuous principles . We stress on the total development of our students: intellectual, social, emotional, physical, moral and spiritual.
Our Vision
- Our focus is to provide a stimulating early learning and child care experience which promotes each child’s emotional, physical and cognitive development.
- “Forest for the Trees” ~ to broaden their thinking and acting horizon for the greater good of living beings.
In Focus
➢P.T.M for Pre Mid Term Results scheduled on July 31, 2024. Timings – 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
➢Summer vacation (2024-25) scheduled from June 1 to June 30.
➢ Annual Results for Session 2023-24 to be declared om March 31, 2024. P.T.M timings will be 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
➢ Annual Examination (2023-24) to commence from March 7, 2024. Date-Sheet has been released. All students are advised to collect their Admit Cards.
➢ Mid Term Examination (2023-24) to commence from September 16, 2023. Date-Sheet has been released. All students are advised to collect their Admit Cards.
➢ Summer Vacations scheduled from June 1 to July 2, 2023. Summer Vacation Work including the project work has been released.
Why are we the best?

NDPS's Culture
A Sweet Little Place’, ‘Very Addictive’,
‘Second Home’, and ‘The best thing to have happened to us’…!
When was it that you heard such descriptions for an educational institute??
But that’s the beauty of NDPS.There is something about this place that you just can’t stop falling in love with it. Ask any NDPSian and you are bound to get in affirmative that some of their best times spent were at NDPS.

The Faculty
“Leading from the Front”
The passion for teaching in the teachers of NDPS is something that instills confidence among the students. The light touch is accompanied by discipline. Students are constantly kept apace with the changing dynamics of learning.

Students' Journey
The best learning is one in which the journey seems more rewarding than the destination.’
Your search for such a journey gets over here. NDPS’s friendly and fun-learning culture ensures that the teachers are always approachable. The enlightenment inside the classes, the intellectual discussions outside of them, the informal banter and the welcoming smiles; NDPS experience is something that students cherish all their lives.